About xipai.eltherm

So far xipai.eltherm has created 39 blog entries.
6 06, 2017


By | 2017-06-07T16:13:23+00:00 六月 6th, 2017|未分类|

控制和检测 A detailed analysis of all parameters at the installation site is required to ensure the highest energy saving and the lowest life-cycle costs. Besides weather data, available connecting loads as well as customer-specific data like travel and maintenance periods [...]

6 06, 2017


By | 2017-06-07T16:13:59+00:00 六月 6th, 2017|未分类|

轨道伴热 In areas with frequent and long frost periods, any surface exposed to open air is likely to be covered by snow and / or ice. Moreover, ice covered rails are compromising the reliability of railroad traffic.Manually recovering frozen or [...]

6 06, 2017


By | 2017-06-07T16:14:36+00:00 六月 6th, 2017|未分类|

切换点伴热 For trouble free train operation during winter conditions, point heating is recommended to keep the point ice-free and moving. We took the challenge to find the best and energy-efficient solution for each frost problem within the railway transportation area. [...]

6 06, 2017


By | 2017-06-07T16:15:16+00:00 六月 6th, 2017|未分类|

TraceVision 温度监测和控制 TraceVision®系统是爱敦用来监测和控制所有电伴热系统的创新方案,可以在大部分工厂中使用。它运行安全可靠,保证了整个系统在使用中的最大灵活性。TraceVision的管理和控制系统可单独编程,适当的为每个单独的加热电路配置。一个伴热系统可以配置高达72个温度控制器(如型号EL-HTC/22),包含不同的运行模式,例如:实现ON(开启)/OFF(关闭),PI控制或ATPC控制。每个控制器可单独编程配置的关键参数如设定值、高温报警、高压报警以及多达12个传感器。 带有多个CAN-BUS I/O模块的工业PLC系统是TraceVision®系统的基础,爱敦专门为客户开发了软件,使用户通过此软件可以操作该系统。该软件可同时运行由不同设备控制的多个会话。 TraceVision®观察器:客户可以借助应用软件,连接上服务器(TraceVision® 管理器),操作该系统。 TraceVision®管理器:服务器软件可连接多个用户,运行以下功能: 控制数据库,数据库管理着每个项目的所有信息。 控制与加热电路监测设备的连接,并与TraceVision®观察器建立联系。 记录从监测设备发往数据库的报警信息。 TraceVision®软件与每个运用Windows操作系统的计算机都兼容,即使在低配置电脑上也可流畅运行。 Control Screen Main Screen Group Screen Temperature vs. Time

